Tuesday 18 November 2014

Education in the Information Age

Education in the information age

Education before the Information Age

Before the information age education was a much simpler thing, classrooms consisted of textbooks and whiteboards. Students would only have textbooks, note paper and pens within their bags and lessons would be run by the teacher regurgitating the textbook on the whiteboard. Things weren’t as interactive as they are now; school life consisted of a lot of paper and a lot of writing.


Changes to education in the Information Age 

The first change to the classroom came when the calculator was invented; it was the first computerised way of doing sums. This changed the classroom criteria completely; math lessons would now entail a calculator based lesson where students would learn how to use the calculator efficiently and effectively to work out sums. Then came the calculator exams, which tested students on their hard maths with the aid of a calculator. But to do well in the exams you had to be able to use the calculator well.

The Photocopier which was invented in 1959, allowed teachers to be able to photocopy interactive sheets or work that the class required, this meant more paper but less time organising. Things were made a lot easier for teachers as they could print multiple sheets of the same thing.

Then came the change in the way the exams were marked, instead of each paper being marked by hand in 1972 came the invention of the scantrons which were able to automatically grade multiple choice tests.

Then In the 1980’s came the movement of computers in school, this changed nearly everything. ICT became a part of the school curriculum and everyone was expected to know how to the use the basic software and to have some sort of keyboard knowledge. Simple documents could be written up on a computer and printed out instead of having to write things out.

One of the greatest changes in education came in 1999. The chalk boards and whiteboards were to be taken over by the SMART board. They were able to use a more interactive type of whiteboard in the classroom, with the touch sensitive white screen and projected computer screen.

Thus came the advances in the type of technology sued I the lessons, teachers would form then on teach their lessons through a PowerPoint which allowed teachers to present different slides and would be able to interact with the class without just using the textbooks, also be able to watch videos and play class games using the SMART board. It also made the teachers life a lot easier as they were able to type up work once and never have to type it again.


Education Now

Due to all the quick changes in the information age education for me is a lot different. As I entered primary school registers were still recorded on paper and stayed like that for the 7 years that I was there. However things did change in the classroom, for example every so often we would go to the small computer room that we had and would spend an hour doing a typing lesson or spend an hour using paint to create art of some sort.

Then things changed completely when I went to secondary school.  I had timetabled lessons of ICT from year 7; they were often and would teach us how to use the basic software on the computer. We were also given an email address and login, which allowed us to interact with our peers and our teachers. Teachers could send us work and we would reply via email.

In every classroom there was a SMART board, in every lesson they were generally used. Teachers would display a PowerPoint of which we would take down notes, we stilled had textbooks and still used them regularly for revision etc. Registration was also done electronically and all the records that the school has of me are stored electronically.

When I started all the documents in the school were just saved on a drive, which was then known as the W drive. However things changed and we now have what we know as FROG. This is a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) which allows us to access learning resources through the school. You need a log in to get into the VLE and can access all of the work you have saved onto your drive and any resources you need for your subject; you are also able to view your timetable. I often have to submit work on FROG as well, as teachers set classes work via FROG.

For revision most of my work was typed up instead of hand written, I also used and  still use a memory stick to make sure that all my work was safe and that I did not lose any of it on the school system. Instead I am able to take my work home and use my stick anywhere.

Registration in school is also done electronically, the school uses SIMS which is an electronic way of keeping records on which students are present and why students may be off. It is a much easier way for the school to track the student’s whereabouts and our parents are now able to access the registration data to see if we have signed in and are at school.


Scopes of Education in the Information Age


·         Students have access to their online work wherever they are, limiting excuses on
          not being able to find work.

·         Teachers are able to set work electronically and can track who has handed it in on time.

·         Teachers and students can also contact each other via email. A form of communication which             can be used out of school hours.

·         The school can save a lot of room and time by keeping all the students information stored on    computers. They are able to easily access any information they need.

·         Students are able to access learning resources over the VLE’s to help with their subjects.

·         Increases possibility of employability

·         Saves time for teachers and students

·         Can make the classroom more interactive and interesting for students to attend.


Limitations of Education in the Information age


·         When sitting exams they require you to do a lot of writing instead of typing, we are having an increasing lack of practice. We have good keyboard skills but our handwriting is suffering.

·         Cost is expensive in school; unless the computers are updated regularly they will become slow and will not be able to be used.

·         Security is also a concern, as student can access each other’s data.

·         Students can lose data as they are not 100% reliable.  

·         Can be a great distraction in education

·         Plagiarism is easier to do now.

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