Monday 27 October 2014

Online Entertainment

Online entertainment is an online service that has taken over many of our lives. We can spend hours a day on entertainment online, the online world has taken off from entertainment. Everything we see, read and watch online influences the way we live our daily lives, we now prefer to stay at home and watch a movie than go to the cinema or talk to our friends over the internet than to actually meet them. Entertainment has changed as it is now accessible without having to leave your comfortable couch, you can now watch a concert and be at the cinema in the comfort of your home. 

Social Media

Social media has increasingly become a type of entertainment for many. We can spend endless hours going through our newsfeeds on Facebook or following our favourite celebrities every move on Twitter. The fact that we spend so much time on the social media sites makes it a type of entertainment for the younger generations as instead of going out and doing things they would rather spend time on things like Tumblr to post endless pictures and watch the latest trending vines.


YouTube has escalated in popularity in the past few years, people are new able to live comfortably and travel the world by uploading videos of themselves. YouTube is used for many people’s entertainment, there are videos for the best makeup looks to the wackiest animals and t
hese videos can easily take up a person’s day as one video leads to another. YouTube has been used make entertainment a free and accessible thing to be watch or listen to. Many music artists have account on YouTube where they post their music videos and people can freely watch the videos without having to pay for the music. Anybody can upload videos to YouTube, many become famous from it and the videos on YouTube appeal to such a wide range of people that there’s everything for everyone. YouTube is one of the biggest entertainment sites with new videos being uploaded every second, there is such a range that you can’t really ever get bored on YouTube and that’s what makes it so successfully entertaining.

Games online

Games online have also become greatly popular especially among teenagers. The games are usually easily downloadable onto your phone, PC and console they can be played wherever whenever. An example of how games are such a big part of online Entertainment is when Flap
py Bird first came out, the game went viral and everybody wanted to download it. It became obsessive for many and the creator had made millions within days. There are also many websites online that are purely for games, you are able to play a range of games, you can spend hours being entertained by simple yet obsessive games. You can also play games that are purely online so you sign in and can chat with other people or interact with other players of the game, an example of this is Club Penguin which is used worldwide. The game allows you to be a penguin and to interact with other plays whilst making your rankings better and playing with your friends online. Another game that has entertained many is Sims, it is downloadable and new packs to go with the game are always coming out and there are always new additions, this game can take up many hours as you play with your virtual family. Another type of online gaming is gaming on consoles such as Xbox, instead of people going out to play football now they are able to play virtual football on games like Fifa, and can fight on the front line with games like Battlefield. Consoles have heaps of entertainment with new games coming out nearly every week, they have endless hours of stories to follow and challenge’s to complete.

Movies and TV online

Another type of entertainment online is movies and TV online. There are now many sites that allow you to watch movies or television series online, so instead of having to record TV shows you may miss you can easily watch them on websites like the BBC iPlayer which you can use on your laptop, tablets and phones. So TV has become extremely more accessible and is used as a source of entertainment greater than before, now people don’t even need a TV to be able to watch TV programmes. There are also websites now that allow you to watch a range of films from classics to the newest movie for a fixed rate a month such as Netflix. Netflix update their movie selection often and provide a 24/7 access for users to watch movies whenever they like.


E-Books quickly spiralled and out ran their paperback competitors; reading is an extremely common type of entertainment with most managing to read a book in their free time or when they go on holiday. The E-book allows people to do this without having to store the books away on shelves or having to carry a heavy book in their bags. They are simply downloadable and lead to hours of entertainment. There are also apps that allow people to write their own books and for others to read them such as wattpad where you can publish chapters and people can read them on their phone apps or computers, this is another easy access online entertainment.

Scopes of Online Entertainment

  • Online entertainment can be used anywhere
  • If you want to watch TV series, it allows you to do so without having to pay for the TV channels
  • It is extremely accessible, you do not have to travel o the cinema to watch a film you can access them at home.

Limitations of Online Entertainment

  • They can be used to waste time reducing productivity
  • They require the internet to download or use
  • Many are obsessive
  • Can make many anti-social if too much time is spent online 

My experience with Online Entertainment

I use online entertainment often. Me and my friends use Netflix to watch the latest blockbusters and to save ourselves a little money! I also catch up with many of my favorite TV dramas on things like 4oD and ITV Player, it saves me having to worry about what time the programmes are on to go and watch them, instead I can carry on with work and catch up on them when I have time. I also use YouTube pretty much every day, I watch my favourite YouTuber’s vlogs and just random funny videos this can often take up a lot of my time as imp so engrossed in the videos that I lose track of time. I don’t really do any type of online gaming but sometimes I will download a gaming app to pass a bit of time if I’m waiting for something or am bored but they will quickly be deleted. I also use wattpad to read people’s stories as I find the raw kind of books are better and some of them are funny to read. 

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