Saturday 13 September 2014


Communication is one of the most frequent t uses of Online Services. The most common ways of communicating are to text, ring or email. These all work through satellite and cable communications. With a simple message being transported to the other side of the world at the speed of light. Across the UK there hundreds of telephone masts which connect us to people worldwide, in space we also have satellites orbit the world. The messages and calls are an instant way of communicating       and have advanced rapidly each year with a new phone and quicker internet connection becoming a reoccurring advance in telecommunication.


There are many uses for emails, for example: communication, information                                         distribution, record keeping and content enrichment. Emailing is an instant method of exchanging digital messages through the internet or through other computer networks. It helps people to stay connected no matter where they are as long as they have internet.

The scopes of using emails are they are a fast and fairly cheap way of communicating, it allows businesses to keep connected wherever they are and for friends and family to keep in contact. You are able to forward massages and add new contacts making it a very easy way for everyone to be involved. Emails are also there forever unless you delete them, so any past information a person may need is easily accessible.

The limitations of using emails are that if you have no internet you cannot receive or send emails. Another limitation is that you may accidentally delete an email and lose a lot of information; there may also be a problem with the internet therefore meaning a lack of communication between businesses which could have consequences.

My personal experiences with email include keeping in contact with family abroad and making sure I’m up to date with my work at school, being able to instantly send messages means I can keep to deadlines and easily access them anytime I need to.


Phones really only have one use which is to talk to another person electronically. It allows you to hear the voice of another person when you are not with them; it is a more personal way of communicating with a person rather than by email or text. Conversations can last a lot longer and flow a lot more, sometimes hearing another person’s voice is a lot more direct than a text.

The scopes of a phone is that you can ring pretty much anyone who has a phone, you just need their number. Phones also allow you to hear another person’s voice, so when talking to family and friends it can make the situations a lot more personal and familiar. You can get in touch with another person a lot quicker as the ring attracts there attention.

The limitations of using a phone is that sometimes the person on the receiving end may not pick up the phone, meaning a limit in communication. Also using a phone does cost money; usually you pay by the minute accumulating in a big bill if you are on it for a long time. Finally if you do not have signal you will not be able to use your phone to ring someone.

My own personal experiences of phones is that I use mine to call someone at least twice a day, as I find communication over the phone a lot easier because I can explain things instead of wasting time typing it all out. Also sometimes over text there are a lot of misunderstandings due to auto correction so I prefer just talking over the phone.


The use of text is to be able to instantly send a receive messages using words and “Emoji’s”. It is a quick and easy way of communicating with others without having to actually talk to them. Words can be shortened and slang has been made to make texting communication even quicker.

The scopes of text are that it is an instant and easy way of communicating with others. You can use text 24/7 and it is a cheap way of communicating. Texting is also simple and it does not take up much of your time. Texting is also a good way of communicating for people who have hearing difficulties.

The limitations of text are that it often becomes frustrating because auto correct often means you send the wrong word in your message. Also texting doesn't always mean an instant response as it does not always catch the receiver’s attention; many people also forget to answer texts. Furthermore to send a text you need signal, for some people service can be a constant problem which means a lack of communication via texting.

My own experiences of texting is that I text people quite often if I only have short things to say or need to remind someone of something. My most often sent text is probably “ring me” as I prefer to talk over the phone than to text as there are always misunderstandings. I also tend to forget to answer people’s texts and vice verse. Overall I use texting to nag at people to ring me or answer their calls! 

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